Radiodiagnostics uses high tech devices of new generation and expert class. Digital computer-based visualization tools provide:
- operation safety and reproducibility of information;
- equipment safety with irradiation dose decline;
- minimization of risk of unfavorable outcome;
- perfect quality, high-resolution image.
We perform the following operations:
- all kinds of traditional conventional X-ray imaging;
- functional examination of osteoarticular apparatus;
- computer, X-ray, magnetic and resonance, proton and emission tomography of head, body, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system;
- digital X-ray mammography with the application of additional methods of specifying diagnostics;
- wide range of roentgen angiographic and roentgen surgical activities.
We carry out MRT-researches of brain, spine, joints, pelvic organs, abdominal cavity, vessels of neck and head (vein and artery) for detection of oncological, vessel, inflammatory and other pathology, including researches aiming early diagnostics of brain strokes. Main advantages of MRT-method are the following ones: security, noninvasiveness, high resolution capacity and high quality of pictures.
Today we have all opportunities to carry out multispiral computed tomography (МСКТ) — multislice computer tomography. Being a unique and the first 64-multislice spiral computer imaging system, it has a high-throughput capacity with high-resolution image quality applying minimum doses of irradiation. For the first time in Belarus we carry out МСКТ coronarography ( outpatiently, without anesthesia) for determination of heart arteriostenosis to control the development of heart attack. МСКТ-angiography of lower limbs arteries is performed to evaluate the condition of bloodflow. Low-dose МСКТ of lungs is performed to detect diseases, including oncological ones at early stages. Dental MCKT is also performed to carry out dental prosthetics.
The following researches are done in the room of angiography and roentgen-endovascular surgery:
- aortography;
- arteriography (coronal, cerebral, viscerogenic, peripheral);
- angiocardiography;
- venacavography;
- venography;
- electrophysiological heart test.