Otorhinolaryngology is a subdivision of medical science, which specializes in diagnostics and treatment of pathologies of ear, throat, nose, and also separate areas of head and neck. At present possibilities of diagnostics, treatment and prevention in the area of otorhinolaryngology have dramatically risen. Implementation of new methods of treatment and conduction of high-tech operative interventions make it possible for patients to restore vitally important functions (hearing, voice), to restore vestibular defects, breathing and sleeping disorders. A long-term experience of otorhinolaryngologists working at specialized healthcare organizations of the Republic of Belarus and continuous work on the provision of clinics with modern medical devices make it possible to carry out the whole spector of ENT medical services.

Diagnostics and treatment of the following diseases and abnormalities:

  • Inflammatory and allergic diseases of nose and paranasal sinuses (acute and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, rhinosinusitis, ethmoiditis, sphenoiditis, adenoids)
  • Inflammatory ear diseases (acute and chronic otitis, eustachitis)
  • Conductive and neurosensory loss of hearing (stapedoplasty at atherosclerosis, tympanoplasty at chronic epitimpanoantral otitis)
  • Inflammatory and allergic throat diseases (acute and chronic pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis)
  • Inflammatory and functional throat diseases, diseases of vocal apparatus, vocal disorders (acute and chronic laryngitis, hypotonic dysphonia, aphonia)
  • Fungous diseases of ENT organs (otomycosis, pharyngomycosis and etc.)
  • Professional diseases of ENT organs
  • Snore

Surgical treatment

  • Extraction of nonmalignant of nasal cavity
  • Extraction of throat nonmalignant tumors
  • Surgical restorative operations of nasal cavity
  • Extraction of adenoid vegetations (adenoids) and treatment of chronic adenoitis
  • Treatment of nonmalignant tumors of earflap

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State Establishment «Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Otorhinolaryngology»

Healthcare Establishment «4th City Clinical Hospital»

Healthcare Establishment «Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital»