The Health Care Establishment «6th City Clinical Hospital»
The Health Care Establishment «6th City Clinical Hospital» of the Health Committee of the Minsk City Executive Committee is a multidisciplinary medical institution that provides highly qualified specialized medical assistance with the provision of a full range of diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitation and preventive services to the population of the Republic of Belarus, as well as to foreign citizens on a fee basis.
Annually more than 50 thousand adults and children are consulted at the clinic. About 13 thousand operations are performed by patients from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Great Britain, USA, Baltic countries, Africa and Asia.
The main directions of medical services:
Traumatology and orthopedics:
- endoprosthesis od hip, knee joints and joints of the hand
- endoprosthesis of knee and hip joint with the application of computer navigation
- minimally invasive endoprosthesis of hip joints
- surgery and microsurgery of hand
- arthroscopy of joints
- reconstruction of capsular— ligamentous apparatus of knee joint
- reconstructive operations on shoulder joint
- reconstructive operations on forefoot in case of « rhematoid foot», deforming arthrosis
- treatment of acute and chronic forms of osteomyelitis ( hematogenic, posttraumatic, needle, firearm, postoperative),
- treatment of infectious complications after different kinds of osteosynthesis (metallosis, hematic abscesses, purulonecrotic wounds of postoperative cicatrix),
- treatment of different kinds of ostemyelitis (Brodie’s abscess, Garre disease, Olye albuminous osteomyelitis)
- laser destruction (endovenous laser coagulation)
- sclerotherapy of varicose veins and telangiectasia
- Laparoscopic interventions at herniotomy, cholecystectomy
- application of fabric at large abdominal hernia
- phlebectomy of lower limb with laser coagulation of varix
Obstetrics and gynecology:
- all obstetrical services
- laparoscopic operations at sterility
- plastic operations on genitals
- tubal cauterization and their transection (sterilization)
- operations on adnexa at infertility with the application of surgical laser
- laboratory methods of research (biochemical, hematological, clinical, isoserological, immunological, bacteriological), autoimmune diagnostics
- functional research methods (electrocardiogram, holter monitoring, electromyographic researches)
- radiological methods (roentgenologic methods, computed tomography, magnetic and resonance tomography)
- endoscopic treatment and diagnostic procedures and operations of digestive and respiratory organs ( esophagogastroscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, bronchoscopy, total rectosigmocolonoscopy with anaesthetic support, capsule endoscopy, introduction of intragastric balloon
- ultrasound researches (of abdominal cavity organs, urogenital system organs, fetus at the first, second, third trimester of pregnancy, echocardiography)
- therapeutic (fissure sealing, tooth canal filling, removal of plaque, restoration of crown)
- reflexotherapy
- massage
- electro treatment
- light therapy
- hydrotherapy
- thermotherapy
- mechanic exposure
- The treatment is conducted by professors, doctors of medical sciences, PhDs, doctors of the highest category, who have many years of experience and knowledge of modern achievements in the field of medical technologies.
Inpatient treatment is carried out with the use of modern medicines and medical technologies in wards of increased comfort.
After a comprehensive examination and treatment, the patient is given detailed recommendations for further preventive and supportive treatment and lifestyle to prevent recurrence of the disease and maximum social adaptation.
The state operator of medical tourism in the Republic of Belarus «Clinics of Belarus» offers you assistance in the organization of health services in Health Care Establishment «6th City Clinical Hospital».