• 06 СЕН 16

    Contrast bath therapy

    Even in Ancient Egypt there was a swimming pool with warm water for contrast procedures in public baths. After taking a great satisfaction of such procedures a great soldier, Aleksandr Makedonsky, after Egypt occupation, ordered to build similar facilities in Hellas. Hippocrates himself recommended patients to take stream bathes, and noted that every cold or cool water dousing leads to pain relieving.

    Even in Russia in the Ist century A.D. people used contrast bath procedures. In Paris in the 18th century Russian soldiers had mass bathing in stone cold ice holes after the baths.

    How can be explained such a health-improving effect after contrast bath therapy?

    A usual hot or cold bath can cause a negative effect on organism. A hot bath violates an acid-base balance, leads to salt losses, vitamin C losses; alternatively, a cold bath raises the level of adrenalin, causes stress. However, combination of hot and cold temperatures causes a stimulating effect, improves metabolism, arouses nervous system. It leads to pain reduction, increase in the level of fat and carbohydrates burning, increase in gas exchange. A body becomes resistant to unfavorable impact of the environment.

    It is believed that the best temperature of hot water for bathes is 41-43 °C, cold water  — 14–15 °C. But it is not recommended to start from such a sharp contrast. The first bath must be comfortable for the body and shouldn’t cause unpleasant feelings.

    Contrast bathes can be general and local.

    General rules for taking all kinds of bathes are the same

    The temperature in the room shouldn’t be lower than 20 °C. A bath shouldn’t be taken earlier than in 2-3 hours after the meal. Before taking the bath it is necessary to warm up the body with the help of massage or warmth.

    During the procedure two large pools for bathes are placed closed to each other. Usually the procedure starts from a hot bath, which lasts for 2-3 minutes with later immersion into the cold water for 20-30 seconds. Usually there are from 5 to11 alterations. The procedure is finished by cold water for the stimulating effect or by hot water for relaxation. In 2-3 days the temperature difference should be being increased by 3-4 °C. After the bath it is necessary for a patient to wipe himself dry. The contrast bath therapy course consists of 20 procedures, cold water treatment course consists of 30-40 procedures.

    Indications for general contrast bathing:

    • hypotonia,
    • myocardiodystrophy with circulatory inefficiency of the 1st stage,
    • functional disorders of nervous and cardiovascular systems,
    • obesity,
    • atherosclerosis,
    • tempering.

    Contraindications for general contrast bath: obesity of the IVth stage, musculoskeletal disorders in the exacerbation phase, chronic adnexitis, subacute prostatitis, and also general contraindications for balneotherapy.

    Contraindications for local contrast bathes:

    • varicosity,
    • insomnia,
    • sweatiness and skin chilliness,
    • leg ulcers,
    • skin diseases.

    To perform this procedure 2 pools or baskets of small sizes are used. One of them is filled with hot water till 45°С, another one is filled by cold water till 15-20°С. At first, hands or legs are immersed into hot water for 40-60 seconds, and then into cold water for 15-20 seconds. This procedure is repeated 4-5 times, alternating hot and cold. Local baths increase metabolism of immersed areas and increase the blood flow in the nearest neighbor organs and tissues (in thoracic cavity – after hand bath, in abdominal cavity – after leg bath).

    We wish you good health!