• 06 СЕН 16

    Vaginal irrigation

    One of the method of curative and regenerative therapy is exposure of mineral water on organism. Vaginal irrigation has become very popular, which is used for restoration of female health.

    What is it – vaginal irrigation?

    Vaginal irrigation is a method of gynecological treatment, which is based on rinsing of the vagina by large quantities of mineral water (till 25 l). Water has a mechanical, thermal and chemical influence, it normalizes redox processes, restores all kinds of metabolism.

    Mineral water, changing the reactivity of organism, helps to inhibit the inflammatory process, pelvic pains, restores metabolism, normalizes ovarian-menstrual function of ovaries.

    Besides, water has a tonic action, it stimulates ovarian function, neutralizes late effects, liquidating adhesive processes of pelvic organs. It stimulates trophic function of celiac plexus, restores tubal patency. It helps to treat infertility.

    Vaginal irrigation helps to eliminate climatic disorders due to restoration of coordination function of         pituitary-hypothalamic area, normalizes functions of vegetative nervous system; a patient gets a better sleep.

    Vaginal irrigation is performed with the usage of mineral water; concentration of curing salts is 10 g/l, Т 36-38° С, the duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. Besides, carbon dioxide, sulfurated hydrogen, radon water is used together with taking bathes. The procedure is performed daily or every other day, the treatment course consists of 8-10 procedures.

    Indications for vaginal irrigation:

    Inflammatory diseases

    1. chronic adnexitis;
    2. chronic parametrit;
    3. pelvic peritoneal adhesions;
    4. intrauterine adhesions;
    5. vaginitis and vulvovaginitis;
    6. colpitis;
    7. chronic endometritis;
    8. uterus deviation with reduced mobility after previous inflammatory diseases;



    1. unexplained infertility;
    2. tubal infertility;
    3. uterine infertility.

    Disorders of menstrual function:

    1. premenstrual syndrome;
    2. amenorrhea;
    3. dysfunctional uterine bleedings in reproductive period;
    4. pathologic climacteric syndrome.


    • Acute exacerbations of chronic diseases.
    • Pregnancy.
    • Metrofibroma (on the 8th week of pregnancy).
    • Post-abortion period till the first menstruation.
    • Moderately severe and most severe uterine neck dysplasia.
    • Acute inflammatory diseases.
    • Ovary endometriosis (before operative therapy).

    The procedure is contraindicated after operative treatment of endometriosis, hysteromyoma, ectopic pregnancy within 3-6 months.

    A relative contraindication is menstruation.

    It is important to remember that spa and rehabilitation procedures can be prescribed only by a doctor.

    We wish you good health!