• 06 СЕН 16

    Extracorporeal shock wave therapy

    Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) is a modern treatment method to cure diseases and consequences of injuries of skeleto-muscular system, which is based on application of acoustic or so-called shock waves.

    What is the effect of extracorporeal shock wave therapy?

    Shock wave, used in this technology, is characterized by a high amplitude, step pressure change. By a special applicator the energy of shock wave is being passed to the impact areas. Acoustic waves enter the tissues and being reflected from the bone tissue give «deep micro-massage». The higher sound amplitude is, the larger energetic consumption is by biological tissues.

    Transverse waves, formed on the border of environments with different acoustic resistance (for example, soft tissue – bone), are greatly absorbed by hard tissues and may penetrate 3 mm deep. Transverse waves in hard tissues (bones, tendons) may lead to breaks of tissue components with the change of their mechanical qualities which are enhancing with the presence of water in conductive tissues after its boiling caused by shockwave.

    Effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy:

    • dissolution of calcium deposits,
    • destruction of proliferation of connective tissue of tendons and fascias,
    • acceleration of metabolic reactions,
    • changes in cell permeability in the area, where the shock wave fades away,
    • absorption of osteoblasts by activated macrophages, which helps to relieve pressure on conductive nervous system and decrease pain syndrome, activate local immunity and restore damaged structures.

    Indications for extracorporeal shock wave therapy are the following ones:

    • pathology of tendons, ligaments,
    • ligament elasticity loss,
    • enthesopathy of different localization,
    • arthroses,
    • pains in muscles, shoulder, loints, heel,
    • calcination in joints, tendons, muscles (except podagra),
    • arthroses,
    • injuries,
    • false joints,
    • osteochondroses,
    • unfused fracture.

    Contraindications to extracorporeal shock wave therapy:

    • blood-clotting disorder;
    • oncology in the affected area;
    • pregnancy;
    • influence on large vessels, lung tissue, bowels, nerves;
    • presence of infection in the affected area;
    • influence on cranial bones (exception is maxillo-temporal joint).

    How long is the treatment course?

    A number of procedures, duration of the treatment course, the doses are determined by a physician individually. Generally, the treatment course consists of 2-5 procedures; the break between the procedures is from 5 to 7 days.

    Extracorporeal shock wave therapy is a noninvasive method, usually it is well tolerated by patients, complications and side effects occur quite rare after its application. Some of them may include possible painfulness and appearance of haemorrhagic areas due to local anesthesia before its conduction.

    How is the procedure performed?

    Before the procedure begins the patient is comfortably positioned and may receive local and/or sedation anesthesia. The treatment may take up 5-8 minutes.

    The treatment is resulted in the reduction of aseptic inflammation, improvement of blood circulation and normalization of microcirculation. Besides, the procedure leads to tissue edema reduction and, as a result, quick and effective pain management. Besides, trophic properties of tissue are improving, joint function is restoring, movements become painless. Thereby, the quality of life and capacity for daily activities are extremely improving.